Photo of my poems' book

Friday, March 13, 2009


Let me tell you what happened
On a serene, sleepy night,
When the moon to solitude retired
And when the moon looked bright.

All the creatures yearned to go
To the comforting haven
Every man and woman, But lo!
Except the one who was craven.

Yes! A strange hand took them there
To the soothing fragrance.
Hark! He said 'tis better than here
It all appeared a mystic trance.

Take us! Take us! O, stranger
To the haven under the hill
Tell me, were though a messenger?
Speak! why thy voice was still.

Though I very much longed to hear
He disappeared, amidst the smoke.
'I'll see you at the end of the year.
'Is the only thing, what he spoke.

As they passed, I numbered my days
That he would take me, to the heaven.
I wanted to see his graceful face
For I am, no more a spineless craven.

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